The head-to-head ballot between President Donald Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden will change over the next 103 days until the general election, as their campaigns progress and national events shift the political environment.
In 2018, the number of women in the House of Representatives and Senate increased by 4%, most of them Democrats.
Despite the growth in isolationist sentiments in recent years, Americans still believe the United States should play a leading role in world affairs.
Americans have been unhappy with the country’s direction for some time, according to recent polls.
While the total number of voters who vote by mail is relatively small overall, it has increased steadily over the last six presidential elections, according to data compiled by Pew Research Center.
Is it too early to predict which states will decide the 2020 Presidential Election? examined the Cook Political Report’s June predictions for the last four presidential elections to see how accurate they were five months out from the e...
The latest numbers from Gallup News show satisfaction with the direction of the U.S. is at the lowest it has been in the past four years (20%).
Some observers are acting as if the death of George Floyd and protests around the country has cast Americans into two tribes.