This week started with Democrats in disarray, as the Iowa caucus winner is still unknown at the time of this writing.
The Iowa caucus is four days away. While its results will have a big impact on the Democratic presidential contest, a new poll from ABC News/Washington Post shows that regardless who wins this first contest, President Donald Trump is in a strong position...
With Iowa less than a month away, does any Democratic presidential candidate have an advantage?
Radical left darling Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez recently said the Democratic Party had “too big a tent,” suggesting it could afford to sluff off more traditional Democrats.
Before this past week’s events, it would be easy to assume that the main issues of the 2020 campaign would be the economy and healthcare.
One of the Pew Research Center’s key 2019 findings was how few “true” self-identifying independent voters there are.
While House Democrats were putting on a show with their attempts to impeach the president, he delivered on a top campaign promise.
Wednesday night, the House of Representatives voted to impeach President Donald Trump, 230-197 on the First Article and 229-198 on the Second Article.