Polling News

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August 09, 2018 |
Polling News
Tuesday’s special election in Ohio’s 12th Congressional District drew plenty of hype and national attention.  ...
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August 02, 2018 |
Polling News
A new Axios/SurveyMonkey poll measured President Donald Trump’s job approval with five targeted groups that could be key to the midterms.  ...
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July 26, 2018 |
Polling News
A recent Gallup poll looked into reasons why Americans' broad satisfaction with the direction of the U.S. has increased the last few months. ...
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July 19, 2018 |
Polling News
Voter engagement is higher than it has been in any midterm in over twenty years, according to a Pew Research Center survey, with 51% of registered voters saying they are “more enthusiastic than usual” about voting in November’s elections. ...
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July 12, 2018 |
Polling News
Democrats must hold ten seats in states President Donald Trump won in 2016 (FL, ND, IN, MO, OH, WV, MI, PA, MT, and WI) and pick up two GOP-held seats to win control of the U.S. Senate.  ...
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July 05, 2018 |
Polling News
Democrats’ response to Justice Anthony Kennedy’s retirement has been embarrassing.  The Left has been fear-mongering over the Supreme Court vacancy’s effect on every issue from abortion to healthcare. ...
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June 28, 2018 |
Polling News
Now, 56% of Americans say they are “absolutely certain to vote” in November’s Midterm, according to recent Gallup polling. ...
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June 21, 2018 |
Polling News
What do Americans think of the debate over family detainment and separation at the border?  According to a recent CBS News poll, opposition to the family separation policy crosses party lines.  ...

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