Polling News

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June 14, 2018 |
Polling News
The party in power during Midterm Elections generally does well when voters are happy with the economy.  But what happens when the president’s approval ratings are lower than average during an economic upturn? ...
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June 07, 2018 |
Polling News
A new CBS News/YouGov Battleground tracker finds control of the U.S. House of Representatives is a toss-up, with a projection of 219 Democrat seats to 216 Republican seats. ...
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May 31, 2018 |
Polling News
According to the Pew Research Center, Americans today are split on how they view the U.S.’ efforts to solve world problems, compared with their sentiments over a decade ago.  In 2002, at the start of the Iraq War, 47% of Americans said the U.S. does “too ...
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May 24, 2018 |
Polling News
President Donald Trump’s job approval rating has been on an upward trend recently, in part, according to SurveyMonkey tracking, to an improving perception he is someone who “can get things done.” ...
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May 17, 2018 |
Polling News
Since the political party out of power generally does better in Midterm Elections, it would seem Democrats are in a good position to make gains in the House of Representatives, U.S. Senate, and governors’ mansions in 2018.  ...
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May 10, 2018 |
Polling News
Senate primary races in key states on Tuesday had positive outcomes for Republicans looking to keep their U.S. Senate majority.  ...
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May 03, 2018 |
Polling News
According to Gallup, more Americans view foreign trade positively today than in past years. ...
Placeholder polling news
April 26, 2018 |
Polling News
Americans are split, 48%-48%, on the “tariff – a tax – on steel and aluminum that is imported to U.S. from other countries”, that President Donald Trump announced last month, according to a SurveyMonkey poll published by the New York Times. ...

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