Which Facebook Pages See Highest Engagement? NewsWhip Analytics examined several news networks’ Facebook Pages to learn which ones had the highest numer of engagements per post during February 2017.
Americans Want Democrats To Compromise: A recent Gallup poll found slightly more Americans think Democratic leaders should compromise with the Trump Administration to achieve progress for the country.
The RSM Middle Market Business Index found middle market business owners are “cautiously optimistic” about a number of policy changes that are likely possible over the next two years.
Support For GOP Health Care Reform Specifics: A recent CNN/ORC International survey asked voters their opinions on potential GOP policies to replace ObamaCare.
There is substantial public support for Pres. Donald Trump’s Supreme Court nominee, Neil Gorsuch, before the appellate judge’s confirmation hearing Monday. According to a Feb.
An analysis of Wesleyan Media Project data published in The Forum: A Journal of Applied Research in Contemporary Politics found 2016 presidential television advertising differed from past trends in volume, timing, and messaging.
A recent Morning Consult/POLITICO poll found voters trust Republicans more than Democrats on key issues like the economy, jobs, and immigration.
Trump Support After One Month: Where does President Donald Trump’s support stand after one month in office?